Egyptian Gods: A Captivating Guide to Atum, Horus, Seth, Isis, Anubis, Ra, Thoth, Sekhmet, Geb, Hathor and Other Gods and Goddesses o by Clayton, Matt

Egyptian Gods: A Captivating Guide to Atum, Horus, Seth, Isis, Anubis, Ra, Thoth, Sekhmet, Geb, Hathor and Other Gods and Goddesses o

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Explore Egyptian Gods

It is tempting to see ancient Egyptian religion as something relatively static, with a single pantheon whose nature and activities did not change throughout the three-thousand-year span of the Dynastic Period. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Throughout Egyptian history, we see that gods who had once been favored were set aside or had their roles altered in order to make way for gods whose cults became more popular, while political changes, such as the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, ushered in cultural and religious exchanges that both affected native Egyptian religious practices and also had an impact on the religious beliefs of Greece and Rome.

Because the Egyptian pantheon is vast, even if one leaves out the syncretized deities, it is not possible for this volume to present a comprehensive overview of ancient Egyptian religion and myth. Instead, only a select number of deities and concepts are discussed here. Some of these are more well-known deities, while others might not be as familiar to modern readers. However, this book still offers a fascinating glimpse into ancient Egyptian religion and culture and the richness that was life in ancient Egypt.

Within this book, you'll find the following the Egyptian gods and topics covered:

  • Amen (Amun, Amon, Ammon)
  • Anubis (Anpu, Inpw)
  • Aten (Aton)
  • Atum (Tum, Tem, Atem, Temu)
  • Bastet (Bast, Boubastis, Pasht)
  • The Book of the Dead and Other Funerary Texts
  • The Four Sons of Horus
  • Geb (Seb, Keb, Kebb, Gebb)
  • Hapy (Hapi)
  • Hathor
  • Horus (Hor, Her, Heru, Har)
  • Imhotep (Imouthes)
  • Isis
  • Khnum (Chnum)
  • Khonsu (Khons, Chons)
  • Maat (Ma'at, Ma'et, Mayet)
  • Nefertem (Nefertum)
  • Neith (Neit)
  • Nephthys (Nebt-het)
  • Nun (Noun, Nu)
  • The Ogdoad of Hermopolis
  • Osiris
  • Ptah
  • Ra (Re, Pre)
  • Serapis (Sarapis, Userhapi)
  • Set (Seth, Sutekh)
  • Sobek (Suchos)
  • Thoth
  • And more

So if you want to learn about Egyptian gods, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button

Author: Matt Clayton
Publisher: Refora Publications
Published: 09/11/2020
Pages: 134
Binding Type: Hardcover
Weight: 0.81lbs
Size: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.44d
ISBN: 9781952191848

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